Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


susan: hi bella....what tomorrow there is test?
bella : hi...hmmm,there are no exams tomorrow.
susan : What are you doing now?
Bella : I am reading a magazine.
susan :  magazine?
bella : yeah .
susan : oww.,hmm. i have got prize for u .
bella : what is that ?
susan :a novel that you want as long as this, i hope you  like it ?
bella : wow,I love it, because this novel is very interesting. thank you.
susan : ok.
Luna :hi bobi. how are you to day?
bobi: hmmm,,,not so good.
Luna:oh...what happened to you?
bobi : i`am just broken heart. i`m  very sad.
Luna:i can see why your are so sad with your problem,but dont worry friend ,
          There are still many girl in the world.
Bobi: oh thank you! you are right friend and your my best friend.
Luna :oh yeah. Thank.

laras: why your face gloomy?
mira: Today is my bad day
laras: Why? What's wrong?
mira: I want to go to the canteen when I slipped in front of the class
laras: Really? Are you Ok?
mira: I'm fine, but I feel so ashamed that my shoe flew over me.
laras: You must be very embarrassed.
mira: yeah. I feel so ashamed to know that.
laras: why?
mira: I feel ashamed because there are some boys there and they laugh at me.
laras: never mind do you think of it, all that has happened.
Mother: oh my god ..... What's this? What do you do, Nanda?
Nanda: I'm sorry, ma'am, I did not purposely break the fit rate.
Mother: Again! It has been 3 times you do it.
You are such pain in the neck.
Nanda: I said sorry, Ma 'am. But this is all because my brother has encouraged.
Mother: Do not blame on your brother. I'm really upset now. Do not do it again.
Nanda: yeah.hmm calm down ,mom.and I promise will not do it anymore.

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